Friday, May 27, 2011

Pain Killers pt. 2

     I was wondering exactly what I needed to do to prepare some ideas that can help kill the pain of many of the negative self attributes that we hold against ourselves due to the environments that we surround ourselves by.  As you may have read in the first part of pain killers, I pretty much gave you the reasons for pain killers and the thoughts that may help correct the mental abuse that we inflict on ourselves or what we allow others to inflict on us.  It's a very difficult topic for many because of the idea that they may be right and we may be wrong about ourselves.  But let's be honest with ourselves, okay.  No one truly knows you better than you know you, not even good parents and close family.  You know what makes you happy, sad, mad, frustrated, hurt, excited, and so many other different emotions.  You also know things about yourself that you see when you are included in a group.  With that being said, part 2 of pain killers will be solely direct towards the inner soul that we have and our mindset.

4. Where does the fight start when we do not know the direction to go?

     The fight is against the habits first and foremost, because in order for you to have belief in what you are able to do, you MUST break the habits that you are currently trapped in.  Many times and in many circumstances we choose to allow our habits to continue to get the best of us, instead of taking away those very habits that hold us from our own potentials.  I have to admit, that I have habits that I want to break, and it's only due to my mindset that I will break those habits.  Once you overcome those obstacles, the window of positive opportunity is now cracked to give you a chance to use your pain killers to your advantage.

5. When is it best to move away from people, and should we exclude our friends and family from our lives to succeed?

     Now, with that being said, there is a way to move forward without having to exclude some friends and family out of our lives in order to excel and progress.  There is certain type of love that great friends and certain family members give to us in order to motivate us in the right direction, and that my friends, is called tough love.  However, there is a difference between tough love, and negative vibes that some close loved ones can give you.  For example, if your mother or father (or both) was telling you that practice makes perfect, and every time you didn't complete that task, they might punish you and/or make you completer it right.  That's tough love.  On the other hand, if there is a sense of doubt by a parent, cousin, uncle or aunt, sibling, (even a grandparent), a friend, or anyone close to you, then that is a vibe that you would not want to live with in your life, and you can exclude them out of it. You would not want your loved ones being the crabs in the bucket that is weighing you down.

6. How can you go through life without pain or suffering, and in what ways can we prevent them from happening?

     In an ideal world, we would like for everything to be peaceful and easygoing in our lives, but the truth of the matter is that we can't prevent the hardships from happening.  To understand that these are occurrences that are bound to happen throughout our lives, will help us better understand that we can still become positive and powerful with our actions.  Although there will be times in which we may have tough battles to fight, to understand that it is only necessary for us to go through those events, then we are more aware of the negative possibilities.  Being aware of those possibilities will help us better prepare for the difficult times that we will have.  A perfect example of that would be a hurricane warning.  If we understand that there will be a hurricane coming to land, then we better equip ourselves for the encounter of that hurricane.  It's the same with life.  We don't know everything in detail, but we do know that anything can happen in our lives at any given moment, such as death, material loss, etc.  So to be prepared to fight through the hardships will strengthen our mentalities to become tougher than they were before.

     With that being said, I've concluded part two of the pain killers.  Please understand and try and grasp the knowledge that I tried to give to you all, and pay close attention to what you are worth in the inside.  It starts from within, and then is expressed outward.  Peace, and blessings.

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