07/14/2012 3:02am
"We want equality, but how can we gain equality if we can't diversify?"
I'm up really focusing on why I asked this question. I ponder about so many different random ideas that are constantly beating against my brain; one question that continuously comes to mind is the question above. We ask for the very things that we need, and yet, we can't work towards an agreement. One of those very things that people as a whole ask for is equality. Equality gives us all the options of being considered similar to many diverse people whether it's based on race, ethnic background, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, disabilities, or even financial status. First question to ask when dealing with the idea of equality is "Where do I begin?"
Think about the different situations that each individual goes through. We already don't understand the individual's trial, tribulations, and road to success (or failure) that a person goes through. I'll give you a scenario. I have some homeboys that I met through my cousin in Memphis who are, or were previously gang affiliated. Now, the first thing a person would say is that gang members are the reason why there is so much violence in the United States as we speak. To an extent, someone who has been a product of their environment would agreee, depending on the events that happened in their lives. Thus, this makes my point on individuals and accepting a largely diverse group of individual for who they are as people, and not to judge. One of my homeboys is definitely an educated black man who's currently finishing up his school for his bachelor's degree. The other homeboy is also educated and making major moves to promote music and other works while serving in the military. To add, they are focusing on bettering the community through a group organization that is focusing on doing volunteer community service, teaching fundamentals of the web, music, and a variety of other events whenever the opportunity is given.
Each individual has a story that led them to the direction and path that they are presently on. And with diversity, it allows us to take in the good, the bad, and the ugly, and try and better it for the best interest of the whole community. Problems within diversity problems exist because of the lack of understanding between each community. I feel that mentally, those who lack intelligence towards the social aspect of unity may be a major factor in moving forward. Experiences butt heads in the fight to bring equality and justice simply because what one man experiences, another man may not. It causes a culture shock within subcultures and isn't thoroughly explained to many of these cultures. However, I believe that understanding overall can be accomplished.
Before I hit the shut eye, I want to present the question that I believe we all should ask ourselves- "How can I make it more equal?" It doesn't take five minutes to correct or break personal bad habits, so it definitely wouldn't take a day to restructure the minds of societies. I believe with this question, we get a change to observe ourselves differently and therefore look at our personal tolerance level towards diversification. We will then know what we need to correct within ourselves in order to move forward towards future progress that focuses on equality here, and abroad.
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